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Yogic Heritage Private Limited     


Business Address

NO. 64, 1st Floor, 3rd cross, 16th Main,,
4th Block, Koramangala,,
Karnataka, 560034,

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    Hours of operation
  • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  • Time: 06:00 AM to 10:00 PM

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The International Festival of Yogic Heritage will see a congregation of the most illustrious and enlightened Yogacharyas and teachers of this era. Their expertise and experience are beyond comparison and their contributions to the Yogic community and to the world is inestimable. Without surrendering to the opulence of life, they are driven by a single mission; a mission for a better world. They are the messengers of love and peace and are the best we have today. Through their organizations and volunteers, they strive for a healthier, happier world. Trained by most revered masters, and by life itself, they are holy men and women who preserve and expand the heritage of Yoga. Their ethnicities and teaching styles differ, yet they are all yoked by the spirit of Yoga. The Yoga Bhumi of IFYH will be blessed by the presence of these gifted spiritual souls and their enlightening words will have all the answers that the seekers seek for. And an amazing opportunity to meet the renowned yogis of our times and to celebrate with them the rich heritage of yoga.

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